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Sorry to hear about London Zoo losing its elephants there. Sorrier still for the poor zookeeper's family.

On the ethics of animal displays, I'd have to say yes as long as the habitats are kept clean and roomy. Of course, considering the meager finances most zoos are forced to hobble along with, just making sure the cages get washed down can sometimes be a problem (or so a friend who has worked in several zoos has informed me).

Though the real problem zoo safety more often revolves around the sadists and nimrods who go to zoos and spend their time tormenting the animals. It doesn't matter how much cash and care the keepers lavish on their charges, all you need is one cretin who tosses the animals some food laced with lye or raw meat roled around some barbed wire or fishhooks and bam, good bye to the zoo tiger. You folks wouldn't believe the litany of horror stories I've heard and read.



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