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One day, a committee called on Abraham Lincoln to discuss a matter of public concern. After listening for a while, Mr. Lincoln asked, "How many legs would a sheep have if you called its tail a leg?""Five," they answered."No," Lincoln said, "it wouldn’t; it would only have four. Calling a tail a leg does not make it one."The media doesn't define furry fandom because furry fandom has already been defined by us. The media got the definition wrong. It doesn't matter how many times the media gets the definition wrong, the fact is they're still getting the definition wrong. Incorrectly defining something does not change what that thing is. An incorrect definition or furry fandom, whether stated one time or a dozen, is still incorrect.The only way people will believe the incorrect definition is if furry fans remain silent and don't provide an alternate viewpoint. The fact is we have something more important on our side.It's called the truth.


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