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Oops! I was having log-in trouble and was in a hurry. I'd just arrived home late from a long, long trip and was exhausted. I had friends over, who were making tons of noise in the background. The phone was ringing. I had food ready to come off the top of the stove. Someone was knocking on the front door, and my car alarm was going off. I was chatting online with the hottest girl I've ever known. My printer was empty and beeping at me. There was a thunderstorm, and a tornado warning was being issued. Someone was trying to serve me with legal papers I didn't want to receive. A nose-pimple was swollen, causing me considerable discomfort. I needed to use the bathroom, right _then_! People were screaming, running around in flames! Mushroom clouds were emerging from the landscape in all directions, and searing-white lights were racing across the sky. There were ambulances and fire engines, National Guard trucks, looters...


_It just wasn't my fault!_


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