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Ah, someone always beats me to the punch ah well.

It's not that I don't find their objections reasonable, it's just that when it comes to humor nothing should really be off limits, and if it draws attention to their campaign by means of parody, that's a good thing not a bad thing.

To me, I believe in balance. If you're going to have black face actors put next to them a white face one. Get a black guy, have them put white on their face, put on a flannel shirt and a farmer's cap and have them start speaking like a redneck. If one is going to caricature cultures do it equally or don't do it at all. Since people are bad at doing things equally, more often than no it's safer to go with the later.

A good example of this done right may be the newer version of Punch Out. Sure the characters they had were stereotypical, but they all were. The American stereotype was Super Macho man, a man full of himself and his fame.


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