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If you call someone a jerk when they don't believe they're being a jerk, they'll just think you're a jerk. :-)

Telling people what not to do, on behalf of unspecified others who may or may not care, does not seem productive. I think your time would be better spent showing them how to do it better, or helping them find those who can.

Imagine a media organization wishes to represent furry fandom in one of its programs. Do you: a) demand that all presentations use a 100% authentic furry cast, b) work with the producers to develop an authentic representation with the aid of those who are already part of the program, or c) tell them "it's a bad idea" and then complain about them on Twitter?

[Hint: If you do a), it's up to you to find the cast, else they'll most likely just go off and do it without you.]


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