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I'm not shrugging off the fact that culture is very important and is a hard thing to accomplish for a theme because there is that possibility of offending people within a culture. I'm saying why not give them a lick of a chance to show what they had in mind? As far as i recall, they were pretty open to input, suggestions, concerns, etc last year. (This to say, I've seen tons of conventions themes over the years, from furry and non furry cons, that I've cringed at in regards to the backlash they -could- receive over it. BUT, just because it had the potential to be offensive if taken the wrong way, or the potential to give off the wrong message, doesn't mean its -going- to turn out that way.)

I would definitely suggest offering your insights and opinions as information comes out. : ) the Chairman did state above that he is more then happy to discus peoples concerns. Why not take him up on it? Give the con a few weeks to get their team back together, then offer your guidance to help them in the right direction. Be part of the solution! : )


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