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A source I've discovered for French anthropomophic comics is, where you can get listings according to theme, specifically "Animalier", and can sort by "Date de parution/Decroissant" (Publishing date, descending order). Problem is, they don't update the listings in a timely fashion, and if there's an anthropomorphic side-character instead of the full cast, it tends not to get the Animalier keyword.

Anyway, items of recent interest include Pandamonia, which from page scans I get the impression is mainly written with tits & ass first and plot second or third. Definitely mature content. Story-wise, I get the impression that mankind was going to go extinct, some kind of corporate global overlord figured out a way to combine human and animal DNA to save the situation, only it's been rigged so they're all going to become slaves to his company or something, and some panda-woman with "multiple assets" is out to save the world.

Also, furry artist Danilo got published in Europe! "Chroniques d'un Malandrin". I think this is a compilation of short comics originally published in an Italian teen's magazine? Hard to tell. The French have been translating a number of Italian comics lately. "Bacon" for instance, is a black-and-white linework detective story that looks like it's trying to attract the Blacksad crowd. Personally I'm more curious about "L'Épée d'Ardenois", which has a Bluth-ian influence to its artwork.


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