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RIP but, the dude was speeding, had the guy been going the speed limit they would have had a better chance to survive. you dont speed in a high, tall, heavy vehicle, its just not safe.

so both parties are at fault, people need to realize that. I got to drive a ups truck once, the big box trucks, ambulances are smaller. but still. you dont speed in a giant top heavy vehicle no matter what.

they were on a non emergency call why were they speeding!

both of them were young and obviously being reckless thinking they were invincible because giant ambulance vehicle and not to necro this threat but you know what

fucking karma.

I speed, and when I DO speed, I make sure Im 200% alert at all times, foot ready to let off my gas, brake at the ready.

RIP sorry for your loss like a billion years later but you know.

that and lemonade was a jerk to certain members of the population. you can only talk so much shit to people before karma smacks you in the face.

had they slowed down, had they gone the speed limit the injuries would have still been severe but.

they were doing what 50?

and they car was doing twenty?

thats 70 MILES PER HOUR OF FORCE FROM BOTH PARTIES. even in a seatbelt your going to have severe injuries.

IE the driver, its why he died LATER.

force mass, accleration, pressure imposed. human bodies are not invincible.

had they been going 30, and the driver twenty, they would have been hit with a total combined of 50 miles per hour.

still deadly but much more survivable.


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