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Or comics, even. I mean, obviously literature is one of the big things we want to see making more of an impact, but comics are comparitively low visibility and some of 'our' comics aren't just winning Ursa Majors, they're winning _Hugos_.

I think Kyell Gold's our superstar for two reasons: He's prolific, and he's capable of some absolutely magical writing when he's on his A-game. (Disclaimer: I occasionally help him refine his A-game. *EditorRat*) It's not the gay erotica that's driven his success. There are a crapton of people writing gay erotica in this fandom (just look at FA or Furplanet's listings). He's good. We should be proud of him. But instead he's been put under pressure to bow out of the Ursas for just about as long as I can remember.

Good writing, regardless of if it's gay erotica or psychohorror or children's stories, deserves recognition. But we're in the habit of thinking our home-grown literary greats aren't that great, and that's affecting every writer in this fandom, in my opinion. The 'cpam: Nominations for the 2012 Ursa Major Awards open today. / marmelmm: Cpam: Don't you mean the Kyell Gold awards? Pfui.' attitude is, I think, why that news coverage you've mentioned didn't mention a thing about our in-fandom literature. That attitude doesn't just pull Kyell down, it pulls every other writer trying to get somewhere down.


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