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Honestly, it's just that you know, how many furry artists can you list off the top of your head. At least a dozen I'm sure. How many furry authors can you list off the top of your head? Unless you're somoene like Fred, I don't think that answer is nearly as high.

We live in a visual medium society where people who actually read books are hard to come by. There are too many ways to entertain oneself, and to top it off furry is a pretty visual medium. I mean, a picture may be worth a thousand words if humans are involved but try describing some (my sister has dubbed it) "rainbow puke" fursona with a thousand words you'd be using one for each color. So it's not the easiest genre to write for.

That aside while it won't effect me this year it does put a damper on me wanting to end the dynasty for myself. Kind of a selfish reason to write maybe, but so is making money and well, can always use more of that. A third main reason was to make something non-mature that might reach some staple of popularity, to kind of prove that we like good story, even if it's not reading with 'benefits'. Maybe (heavens forbid) have a fanbase that may not consider themselves furries along with those that do.

Aw well, guess it'd be much more interesting if a second person created their own dynasty and for the king to return and have a clash of the titans.

I'm slightly too competitive to be a writer. Should probably go back to gaming.


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