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Reply to comment incredible effort gone to almost waste...this is terrible. On the bright side, the longer the wait, the more likely the tail could be released. The funding may have not succeeded, but maybe we need to stop pretending like it's dead or something. Continue getting the word out. The internet is a powerful place, connected to powerful people. Nobody I knew had heard about this product, including me, until a few months ago, and we are all fascinated. Spread the word, and the buyers will come. Sadly, I don't have the resources to fund such a problem, but I know that if I tried I could help. Perhpas, if we get the word out, we'll have enough 'try-ers' to get this thing released! Tailly has my hopes and dreams.. Large capital investment..hmm...I'll ask around...see what I can do. Ha...i probably sound lame saying that. Eh xD

Kik:Blindfildcity Email:[email protected] ((Idk why you'd want to contact me..but er...i always leave some sort of contact for peepz, have a it is..? x3))


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