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Furnal Equinox releases January 2013 newsletter

Edited by GreenReaper as of 03:33
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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its January 2013 newsletter. Preregistration remains open for the 2013 convention, though it will close on February 18.

The convention has also released Meet the Fuzz, the first in a series of promotional videos profiling Furries in Uniform and featuring a selection of Toronto-area cast and crew.

Featured in this issue:

Prereg Deadline

Preregistration for FE 2013 will close earlier this year: the last day to register online is February 18. After that you'll have to register at the door, so enlist today!

Submit to the Conbook

Submissions of art and writing are still welcome for the conbook! Get your submissions in on our website before February 8.

Events at the Con

We're still looking for panels on artwork, writing, fursuits, entertainment, and plain old social get-togethers at the con! Make sure to get in touch with us before mid-February.

Serve with Honour

We're looking for volunteers at the convention, especially who haven't served before! You're doing us a great service by providing even an hour or two -- just get in contact with us.

FE on YouTube

Meet the Fuzz, our first promotional video profiling Furries in Uniform, has already received over 800 views and 50 likes on YouTube. More videos are coming!

Official Furnal Equinox updates are available on FE's website and on Twitter at @furnalequinox.


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