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If my experience was any indication, they weren't buying the subscription variant (which was rather ugly). I ordered three copies(one for myself and two for Christmas presents for my nieces); I didn't care about the cover and have never been a cover collector (though I was secretly hoping for the B cover which featured Applejack), and my comic shop knows this. They gave me three Subscription variants; technically, one was mine, since I'm a subscriber, but this suggests to me a lot of early subscribers were switching out their exclusive (and theoretically more collectible) but ugly variant for I'm guessing there favorite pony cover.

So, yeah, I think a lot of bronies were picking up multiple copies, but not all 19 (I only counted 19) covers. Probably all six regular, at least. Also, I wonder if Diamond would even be able to track the retailer variants. That being said, the Mane 6 A-G interlocking covers reminded me a lot of the six interlocking covers of X-Men #1; you know, the number one selling comic of all time.

So, yeah, the multiple covers were a factor and the real test will be to see how #2 does.


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