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This movie doesn't look THAT bad to me (a lot of MLP fans who have seen it like it from what I've heard), but I agree; that Shady and Bushwoolie scene (one of the only parts I glimpsed at it, I am planning to watch it) is hilarious. Then again, this is coming from someone who thinks G1/G4 of MLP are both great.

The thing with anime kinda makes sense, as Toei Animation animated this and made Saint Seiya the same year.

But honestly, I think you unfairly compared the two generations. First off, you're comparing a movie to a television show from 2 different versions of MLP. They're NOT the same. If you wanna do it, compare the ENTIRE G1 TV SERIES/SPECIALS even to the G4 series, or compare the MLP movie to an Equestria Girls film, like Rainbow Rocks, or maybe even compare it to the MLP FiM movie that's coming in 2017!

Also, if it weren't for G1, then FiM wouldn't have existed today. I've heard G1 series did give its ponies personalities also, and many of them were later inspirations for G4 characters; Twilight/Twilight Sparkle, Firefly/Rainbow Dash, Posey/Fluttershy, Sparkler and Glory/Rarity, Surprise/Pinkie Pie and Applejack/Applejack.

"Dark time in the history of animation"? There are worse animated films than this, like Felix the Cat: the Movie, ugh!!

And the Smooze is purple, not gray. And no, not every pony had the same mane style in G1 from what I've seen; I know are kinda similar, but look at certain ponies from "Rescue at Midnight Castle" compared to the ones in the films beyond.

Just my two cents.


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