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Are you implying, with the porn comparison, that there are in factfunny animal comic books I may be missing?

Oh, there are some I am not reading; I can't stand Sonic the Hedgehog in any medium. But missing? No.

There are not any new funny animal comic books coming out. Period. Free alternatives may be part of this reason, but, as I already mentioned, I've taken the Pepsi challenge with both, and the free shit is free for a reason. Also, mostly shit.

But the thing I keep hearing is, "Oh, furries can do this themselves." Okay. Then why don't you? "We don't need the mainstream. We do our own thing, and it's wonderful!" Okay. I've seen your FurAffinity, guy. Maybe you should look up wonderful in the dictionary (this is addressed to an imaginary generic furry, not Sonious, who I don't know if he even has a FurAffinity), because "adequate" would be overselling it.

Furry fandom fucks creators. Right up the ass. Without permission, if that wasn't clear, and you can forget the fucking Vaseline. Why do you really think Kyell Gold just suddenly decided to write supernatural romance that ain't even gay? He'll never admit because he's smart enough to not burn his bridges, but he's making a break for it, mark my words. Because there ain't no money here, because furries fuck creators.

We'll spend a thousand dollars on disposable pony porn, but can't be assed to drop $3.99 on an issue of Usagi Yojimbo. Did I mention Stan Sakai has not touched that property in a year so he can go do a non-furry comic?

Because he totally did that.


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