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Sorry about the glut... I was extremely busy from August through December, and fandom participation suffered. I should've known about the English translation of Blacksad 4 released back in the summer, but nope, seeing that on the list caught me completely by surprise! Fred waited months to get his two book reviews from me. :(

And I still haven't finished my English subtitles for The Rabbi's Cat. Someone else beat me to it, but dammit, it's a project I'm going to finish! I'll post a review here too, when I'm done. I'm close. Last 7 minutes of the film to go.

Anyway, when December was drawing to a close, I did a frantic series of web-searches, combed through the old Flayrah and InFurNation posts, and sent you what I could. That's why there's some repetition of entries. On top of that, my ISP sometimes gets blocked due to spammers, and I get paranoid that my e-mails might vanish. In any case, I hope you feel better soon!

And... arrgh, here's another one for you. Found it completely by accident tonight while searching for something else. Animated film. Niko 2 - Little Brother, Big Trouble. Although according to IMDB it's originally called Niko 2: Lentäjäveljekset. I've never even heard of the first Niko movie.


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