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I think what can be more prominent to say though such a survey is how flayrah users define media. Such as how when you ask Americans what they think of Congress Approve/Disapprove their answer will not be of how their representative is doing but how they percieve the body as a whole. Which typically means that most Americans will think of a representative that's most polarized against their views cause lets face it, you keep those in power who you deem a threat most in mind.

As far as the word "media" furries will think of things like the Vanity Fair article, MTV, CSI, etc. Though it seems to have gotten to a point where it's working its way back to neutrality. This probably can be attributed to a combination of furries getting a little bit more wary of questionable venues, and the media also growing up a bit. First impressions are indeed lasting, but nothing lasts forever.


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