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I'm sorry that your name change got rejected, and it shouldn't have. It is also (in my opinion) odd that you had to be fingerprinted as part of the process. In the State of Georgia, you simply file a petition seeking a change of name and go before a judge to confirm it. It's a straightforward and easy process. (although a bit more expensive than I would like) The reason I selected "Shiro Ulv" is because it is actually a name. "Shiro" means white in Japanese, and is used by many as a first name. "Ulv" means wolf in Norwegian. I can see name changes with suffixes such as "the dog" or "the wolf" being rejected - and it's quite a shame. I would recommend being more cryptic with it, yet still establishing a sense of identity. Unfortunately, we won't know the outcome of mine for a few months because the hearing is suspended while I am fighting false charges that have been made against me and they will not change a name while charges are pending.

Shiro Ulv


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