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Furnal Equinox releases December 2012 newsletter

Edited by GreenReaper as of 07:28
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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its December 2012 newsletter.

Though early bird preregistration for the convention has now ended, registration remains open, starting at $40 Canadian. Applications are also open for the convention's inaugural Art Show, and staff are seeking panel facilitators.

Featured in this issue:

Apply to the Art Show

Artists are invited to apply to participate in Furnal Equinox's Art Show! This is an excellent opportunity to exhibit your artwork for attendees and sell it as well!

Submit to the Conbook

We have begun accepting submissions for the FE 2013 artwork! We're looking for artwork and stories that complement the theme of Furries in Uniform before February 1, 2013.

Make FE Events Happen

We have an even bigger venue in 2013, and have a schedule to fill. Help us fill it by volunteering to run a panel at the convention! Simply fill out the form on the FE website.

Christmas Party

Our Christmas party on December 15 was a great success! Thanks for everyone who brought food and gifts, and helped clean up. You also raised over $350 for the Mississauga Humane Society!

Official Furnal Equinox updates are available on FE's website and on Twitter at @furnalequinox.


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