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As has been said, acme is a generic word and its use as a merchandising brand long predates Warner Bros. Currently there are an ACME restaurant in NYC, a nationwide ACME supermarket chain, an Acme Furniture Company with outlets from NYC to San Francisco, an Acme Oyster House in New Orleans, an Acme Electric Corp. in Lumberton, North Carolina and Monterrey, Mexico, an Acme Bread Company in San Francisco & Berkeley … lots of Acmes. The public may have a momentary knee-jerk association with the name of ACME and Warner Bros., but it would be hard to prove that the general public would assume that an ACME product MUST come from Warner Bros.

Not to mention the Annie Award-winning Acme Filmworks animation studio in Hollywood, which probably is a Coyote-&-Road Runner reference.

Fred Patten


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