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At least they have one dedicated fan.

Rusakov isn't the only fan who's tried to petition the powers that be to do something like this. It's been a process that's been on-again and off-again for almost twenty years (since the show was cancelled). Hundreds if not thousands have been involved since that time. Rusakov is just fortunate enough to be participating during a time when Christian Tremblay is in the mood to actually communicate with fans and do something instead of ignore them (as has been the case for quite some time).

This isn't to detract from Rusakov's efforts, but to remind all that there have been many dedicated people whose shoulder's he's standing on. These fans have been keeping the SWAT Kats fandom alive before he arrived and will continue to do so if this effort fails. I hope that it doesn't fail, but past experience with numerous similar attempts make the odds seem rather slim.

Also, being at something "for over a year" isn't that long in regards to SWAT Kats. Many of us have been at this for decades.


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