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Well this thread so far proves one thing, Cat, sure was a polerizing personality.

Look I met him several times, his transformation and involvment in furry was one of his few sources of personal pride, acomplishment and joy. Did he go to far? Thats his choice and only his place to answer.

I knwo he had finacial issues, and trouble finding a job, his apearence may have been a contributing factor.

The cat I knew never seemed down or the type who was unhappy enough to commit suicide, course eh was working then, makign steady money, his procedures weren't cheap.

If I had to guess...I'd say the reality of living as a human is what did him in, he had such an afinity for Tigers , I can see how admiring their life style and hating the toil and financial burdan of human society, where the tiger side would look more apealing and you could make that mental leap to take your life. Who knows, there may be other issues, whether medical, drug induced, some outside tragidy.

I don't know, I am curious, but it doesn't change my view of him, or the sadness his loss brings.


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