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The politics of this whole thing is interesting, there has always been a divide between Dragoneer and Kage, on which has had much speculation but I don't even pretend to know. This whole thing just further plays into that arc.

I haven't had issues with the Dorsai at AC, other then when I first entered the hotel and was flooded visually by fursuiters and stood infront of the door gawking like some idiot before being informed I was blocking the entryway. And once when I informed one that the side door to the ballroom was unlocked and people were going in there without being checked. Not to be a nark, but at the MFF dance I did see one drunken fox get kicked out for being a bit too forward with someone's mate. Bouncer kicked him out, and roos know good bouncing when they see it.

I've also been to a non-Dorsai convention and noted the security was fine there too. Of course I'm never the one who winds up in need of that kind of assistance thankfully so I really don't have a bar to test them on.

I'm sure that like any group, the people you get will vary from place to place. I think saying the entire Dorsai is corrupt because of what happened at FurFreight would be saying the McDonalds should close it's doors because the one you went to on the wrong side of town dropped your ice cream cone. I think Kage was being a bit overprotective here, but I think Sciggles leaking that didn't hurt him in any regard. Now the Dorsai know he was looking out for them, and trying to do it in private. If Kage had, however, used his convention database to obtain the email that's not a good thing, but people these days have their emails attached to so much it's be hard to pin it as the cause, particularly those in this fandom who people tend to know someone who knows someone.

It comes as no surprise that some with grudges against AC are taking one side (particularly those who are still upset at their ban and believe in small government until they have a vendetta...), people who like it are taking another. In the end I don't think the boycott will be signed by a handful who have had problem with the Dorsai, legitimately or from their own behaviors. In the end, since FurFright is a capped convention it gives them a bit of leeway.


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