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Bright luminous yellow safety vests (can have the DI log on it still) sensible trainers, and casual (not jeans) pants would probably make the world of difference.

I would be interested in hearing the feedback from the DI side, if they yelled at someone (doesn't matter who you could be the GOH, you could be Joe Public, you could just be a fur enjoying the con) not to go near a door, they were probably told not to let people go near the door and shout at anyone that did.

I am unsure of the legal states in the USA but I know here in the UK those with SIA licenses are allowed to physically interact with you and it has to be for a I can write this down in a notebook and take it to court stating I had to do this because ... reason and if someone was standing the way of a person with limited vision (or someone wearing a fursuit say) that's possibly a reason (not a great one...) to get them out the way.

I take such stories with a large dish of salt (and then have to drink lots of lolcat macros to wash the taste away.) until all the facts come out, which they rarely ever do.


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