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Okay, this is weird...

I purchased a copy of The Ursa Major Award Anthology at Anthrocon and have been picking it up now and then to read one of the stories. I currently have five stories to go (four if you don't count the one I read back at the time it was released).

And here's the weird part. My copy of the anthology includes one additional story that is not mentioned in this review, nor is it mentioned in the reviews posted here by Roz Gibson and Watts Martin. The story is Niner-Thirteen by Jim Hayden, which was a 2001 nominee. In my copy it's the seventh story, between Jacks to Open and Don't Blink, and the other eleven stories mentioned in the reviews are all present. So now I'm left wondering how it is that my copy has an extra story that not just one but all three of the Flayrah reviewers didn't mention? Did it perhaps appear only in the print edition and the reviewers all worked from the Kindle edition?


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