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Okay re-reading though these things that was written incorrectly, a nor'easter typically charges up in the Gulf of Mexico then heads up through the coast. Sandy/nor'easter blending has already occurred at it's current form. I guess all it did was expand the size of the hurricane storm and has it's damage covering a larger area. The band on the other side is actually a different storm system entirely. Thanks for bringing it up.

Once again, I felt getting the word out was more important at that point, even if I didn't have everything in order. Cause sure I could take the entire weekend researching Nor'easters, but by that time the information might not prove as useful cause the storm's already on you. It was a balance thing, clearly I should have just said "storm" when referring to the other system.

I do feel bad for being a bit inaccurate about that, still not as bad as being called "Anthrocons" though by the professional journalists.


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