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Furnal Equinox releases October 2012 newsletter

Edited by GreenReaper
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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its October 2012 newsletter.

Registration for the 2013 convention has begun, with a new Supersponsor tier on offer. Applications to the convention's Dealers Den and the inaugural Art Show are also open.

Enlist now

Early enlistment for Furnal Equinox 2013 is currently open on our website! You can register for and attend the convention for as little as $35 for the weekend, or take advantage of our new Supersponsor level with plenty of perks and privileges.

Dealers and Art Show

We still have plenty of space available in our Dealers Den for the convention. Also, applications for our inaugural Art Show are now open -- no commission, no hassle!

Hotel rooms

The room block at our new venue for 2013, the Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel and Conference Centre, is now open! You can call the hotel to reserve your room, or book online.

Halloween Party

We'll be hosting our second annual Halloween Party on Saturday, October 27 in Etobicoke. Prizes will be available for best suiter and non-suiter costumes, so make sure to come and join us for some haunting fun!

Official Furnal Equinox updates are available on FE's website and on Twitter at @furnalequinox.


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