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The Danny Kaye movie is good, but give credit to the Walter Mitty short story by James Thurber that inspired it.

Hopefully your library accepted the donation. I was briefly a librarian at one of the branches of the Los Angeles Public Library in the 1960s, and it was library policy at that time to accept any books that were donated, send them to a board for consideration for purchase of multiple copies for many of the library's branches (over fifly), if the library did not already have copies, and discard them if the board decided that they were not worth getting, or could not be obtained, for the whole library system.

As of now, two years later, this is still the only book by John DeJordy that lists.

One of the nitpicky questions that I did not ask was, considering Sarah Ellerton's wraparound cover painting, how does Phineas Redtail, the squirrel scout, ever get his pants on with that bushy tail?

Fred Patten


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