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The difference I believe is making these things hurt in the present versus letting them build up to an explosion down the road.

Do you really want the fandom to have the same policies in trying to deal with these things as the Catholic Church or the Boy Scouts? I think it's good for us to talk openly and highlight instead of shutting it in, for if a child molester is reading, he might suddenly be worried about being caught, it might change his behavior.

Does it make the fandom look bad? No. It makes a particular furry fan look bad. Human beings in general need to learn to separate the individual from the group. These individuals are talked about because they are infamous, which is a good thing to talk about because if people talk about it people will be less wanting to go down that path.

We talk about these things and show the consequences because if we don't, if we 'protect by omission' this kind of behavior, these kinds of individuals will take note and walk on in. Think of what you feel like a fever. It might make you feel crappy, but that's your immune system kicking in. It's better to temporarily feel crappy then to be overrun with infection.


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