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I think you need to read more news sites, Xydexx. Let's take one of our closer equivalents, Anime News Network:
* Handley to Be Sentenced for 'Obscene' Manga in January
* Convicted Rapist Pleads Guilty to Coercing a Minor to Engage in Sex
* Shota Community, Other LiveJournal Accounts Suspended
* Virginia Man Found Guilty of Downloading Child Porn
* UNICEF Japan Continues Push against Virtual Child Porn
* Australian Sentenced for Cartoon Child Pornography
* Man Pleads Guilty to Possessing Obscene Visual Representations of the Sexual Abuse of Children

That was just with a couple of minutes of looking. Are these people representative of anime fans in general? No, they're the exception. That's why they're news.

Would a pure literary magazine cover such topics? Perhaps not; it would be off-topic. But Flayrah is as much about the furry community as it is about books and cartoon shows. We are fans of each other, after all.

Perhaps you could tell us how else the 40+ conventions that Mitch might seek to deal at will be made aware of his arrest. Will you be telling their organizers? What about those who aren't in your good books - or who you just don't know? What if he was on AC staff?

Our readers have made it clear that they want us to cover serious topics like this, and we will continue to do so.


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