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I probably confused the issue with the phrase "submitting blurbs," which is just a tiny part of the story. Most of the comics listed by Mr. Fishbreath probably would not get much out of Previews, and vice versa; they have much too small of print runs to really need a nationwide distributor, and instead rely on word of mouth and more direct selling; most are bought directly from the publisher or even the creator, in some cases, rather than through a distributor or retailer.

Basically, you can walk into any comic book shop (and probably not a few other similar retailers), and pick up most of these titles, or at the very least they can order them for you, though I forgot to add specific order numbers (whoops). It doesn't really matter, at this point, though, since the deadline for pre-orders from this issue was Sep. 18. At this point, the list is mostly for furries who buy their comics at comic books shops, whether via a reserve pull list or just showing up at the store. And also, as Treesong often pointed out, it may end up having some historical value for archivists down the road.

That being said, you totally should submit blurbs to Flayrah, complete with ordering information, for any smaller presses or independents, because, well, they rely on word of mouth and more direct selling.


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