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"Hate fetish"... LMFAO Yes, as I'm typing this, I'm actually getting jerked off by my girlfriend as she attempts to read your garbled nonsense you laughably call journal entries, then we laugh as you forget to deny that you wrote them in the first place. lol

In all seriousness though, sorry, but there's no statute of limitations on calling out bullshit, especially when it's as mind-mangling as the garbage you post.

You hate Zootopia because people "ruined it" by saying that the visuals were more polished than A&O. You can't stand people saying that this movie or that movie looks better than A&O, and as such, I'm actually surprised that you aren't hating on Robin Hood for the exact same reason. No, instead you DEFEND IT because a lot of other people like it, which means it MUST be good. Excuse me, but aren't you CONSTANTLY saying that this critic or that critic who has to "rely on popular opinion" has no idea what he's talking about? lol


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