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Huh, I'm noticing WALL-E is becoming kind of the divisive Pixar film; I've seen a few critics single it out as "the movie everyone thinks is one of Pixar's greatest, but that I don't like as much." It's usually the "holy trinity" of Ratatouille, WALL-E and Up, but if someone wants to take one out and put in, say, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles or one of the Toy Story movies, they usually pick WALL-E to bump out of the top three. Surprising, considering that many consider the snub of WALL-E (along with The Dark Knight) in 2008's Best Picture Oscar nominations to be the reason the field was extended from 5 to 10 nominees in 2009.

Though they still like it as much as Pixar's bottom trio of Cars, Cars 2 and A Bug's Life. Right now, it looks like Brave is going to fall in between Cars and A Bug's Life to make a new bottom trio, with Cars 2 becoming "the one we don't talk about."


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