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The problem with that idea is, in order to make a more objective, "all-encompassing" con report, you need to the input of several sources to adequately cover one convention; one person couldn't pull off writing the whole thing.

For example, if my primary interest is in fursuiting, I may go into detail about the fursuit parade or fursuit games, but I may completely ignore things like art panels, even though they are a major segment of a furry convention. It would also mean attening events I may have no motivation in being at, like a G.O.H. panel I'm not interested in, and therefore, I may give a lackadaisical review of it as a result. And that wouldn't be fair to the people who would have an interest in the G.O.H.

I don't mind at all if a congoer gives a personal, narrow-scoped report of their own experience at a con, as long as it's WRITTEN WELL. Sometimes, a person's own report reveals interesting things about the con that an otherwise comprehensive report would miss.

Again the important thing, to me at least, is how well it's written.


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