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I have to agree with Myenia, people should have an equal option and isn't always about going for higher quality.

Work isn't always about quality, it's more than just that.. Like personal taste or mix, etc. I sort of feel offended by the article saying we need more of criticism as if Furry is only about quality. And if the Fandom is only about quality, criticism, and not equal for other art and this: "The fact of the matter is that everyone’s work doesn’t _deserve_ equal prominence." I think, then this fandom doesn't sound as fun or friendly, for the others. Even though, it sometimes feel like it's not very open already sometimes.

Although of course, for an artist who likes quality a lot, it's good to suggest to allow honest criticism and to review so the artist can get some tips. Same with the ratings but if we are going for linear ways for the WHOLE fandom (Like the title of this article), then that is a bad move.

No, the fandom does not need that.. Just for the artists who wants the judgement. It needs more honest and open.. More non-linear options. Like how this website needs to have an option to disable ratings. But I have to agree a little about the ratings used just for kind and other, but I only agree to that for people who set those up for proper judging about Quality. But sometimes, it's not always about it for those who just want to draw, not caring about Quality, etc.


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