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Respect is a matter of culture, not a factual scientifically quantifiable substance, and it's hardly simple.

The whole premise of the debate is that some people feel it more respectful to give honest feedback even if it's not entirely positive, versus people who submit who feel it's more respectful to not say anything bad about things they put effort into.

There are two definitions of respect here, which is why there is a clash because the other side is being promoted as being "disrespectful".

For the former I would say if that's how you live by being bluntly honest, you're going to have to learn to deal with people who live by the second philosophy and not take it personally when they hide your comment or tell you it's not welcome there. For the later it's a matter of understanding that though that you can control what people say in "your house" you cannot control what they say outside. To say that you can is then doing unto them what you didn't want them doing unto you.

It's complex, not simple, which is why it's best seen and judged on a case by case basis instead of making generalizations.


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