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It hardly matters whether you criticize or not if the person in question is not open to listening. Constructive criticism can go a long way towards improving the quality of products but first you need a creator who is open to hearing and using that information and second you need the folks who are criticizing to both know what they're talking about and know how to get it across.

If something is provided free on the internet, art or fiction or whatever, it's more difficult to provide feedback that'll be used - afterall, it's a hobby that gets as much devotion as the creator feels he wants to and can deliver. If something is being sold well then you've got the market helping to provide the feedback, if an artist isn't selling what they're producing at the price they want then they may be more open to hearing what potential clients have to say about their work. The downside of course is the niche market of furry, quite a lot in the fandom can command higher prices than you might expect in a wider audience.


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