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There's also the issue of people being able to give meaningful criticism. I've been reading a lot, not to mention dabbling in writing for most of my life, before I was able to provide useful writing advice, and I'm still surprised that I can do it at all. Same for art. And I still find myself not knowing what to say about somebody's work now and then.

Also, I can't blame artists for dreading a review. Some critics go out of their way to be venomous, and once you've been burned by one of those you may never want to bother creating anything again. Yes, yes, that's irrational, but people have feelings. Moreover, I know someone who always has a piece of constructive criticism, and a wonderful manner of expressing it, no matter how bad the work in question. How do you suppose that's possible?

Oh wait, I know: always remember that nobody sets out to create bad art on purpose (except in spite or as parody I suppose). Any mistakes are likely to be honest ones, so treat them as such. Remember that the artist really did put work into their creation, and they really do want to get better. Keep that in mind, and you may find entirely different words flowing out of your keyboard.


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