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Wow! I am underwhelmed! How many people remember Studio 91 Creation's "Mogobi Desert Rats" which was premiered at the 1991 Comic-Con International with lots of glossy color flyers and similar hoopla? Did that ever get past an eminently forgettable #1? Or there was -- I don't even remember his name, but he was a snowy white Husky or Malamute anthro superhero with floofy white fur all over, whose promoters had an incredibly beautiful full-body costume made that any Fursuiter would kill for, and he paraded all around the Comic-Con whichever year he showed up, in the late '80s or early '90s. Did even a first issue of his comic book ever come out? Creators &/or promoters can spend tons of money announcing their new anthro comic book, but let's see it. Come to think of it, this was sort of like the bubble, where startup companies had great promos and raised tons of financing, spent it all on setting up lavish corporate offices, underperformed or didn't perform at all, and quickly disappeared.

Fred Patten


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