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I wonder what will happen to the Brony fandom when their show eventually is canceled, or worse if Hasbro gets greedy and cuts corners on writing and production to dumb it down for kids. I know a few furs who were in the Tiny Toons and Animaniacs fandoms that later discovered furry in the 90's when their shows were canceled.

And with the success of MLP-FiM I'd love to see Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network or Disney try to copy it's success and start making great kids shows again that appeal to adults with quality animation, music and fun pop culture references in them.

Like Anime and Sci-Fi fans, many Bronies just believe what the media tells them about Furries (CSI) and are just too scared, smug or lazy to attend a furcon to really find out how very similar Bronies and Furries are.


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