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Oh, good Lord.

Dude, all I got to go on here is your screenname; if I use a personal pronoun for you that isn't "you," I'm going to have to make an assumption. Chill out.

We're going down a trail I didn't want to go and specifically said so earlier, but, you know what, you assumed I was a troll without even stopping berating me for assuming. So, we're gonna do this.

Okay, first of all, liking a show for the creatives is fine, and in fact laudible, so actually, that is a good, well thought out reason. Your "well thought out reasons" are basically a slow realization that they sell pony dolls.

Lauren Faust was a fan of the original dolls; she based her characters on her dolls. She's selling pony dolls.

The thing is she only wrote personally like three episodes, and was not the series director at any point. Her job was always to create the show, not run it. That's not how TV shows work. Furthermore, television creators rarely stay with their shows; even when they do, the medium of television is far too collaborative to praise or blame a single person for a show.

Finally, consistency? Industrial revolution? Jesus Christ, it's a cartoon about talking ponies. Not a fucking sci-fi epic.

As far as consistency of character is concerned, it's a TV show with multiple episode writers.


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