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"Obviously enjoyed the show for Faust, rather than the show"?

On the off chance you're not just trolling me - quit making assumptions. You're looking silly doing it.

I enjoyed the show for what it was: an entertaining story with (for cartoons) reasonably realistic and mature protagonists, with a message glorifying cooperation and friendship most episodes. It was reasonably well-written and had at least a passing nod to continuity and self-consistency between episodes.

Per my reply to the post above yours, many of the qualities that I enjoyed about the show in S1 started disappearing in S2. The manner in which they did so suggests that this is Hasbro's fault (consistency is now a lower priority and toy-selling is now a higher priority).

The fact that this occurred after Faust handed over creative control but with other staff staying mostly the same suggests that she was the reason this slide _didn't_ start much earlier.

Please assume in the future that I _do_ have well-thought-out reasons for my preferences, rather than being a fan or hater of person or thing X.


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