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Okay, who made it good; yes definitely Faust wanted to be there.

As for second season quality, I think it's pretty obvious you enjoyed the show for Faust, rather than for the show itself. Nothing wrong with that.

The cult of Faust by itself does not account for the cult of MLP:FiM; however, being a good show doesn't hurt a cult show gain its cult, and we can credit Faust for the good part.

It seems obvious to me that Faust's original enthusiasm has spread to the remaining crew, mostly because of the bronies. They sense they are onto something special here, and are excited about that. I mean, they signed up for a paycheck, because they're animators, and at the end of the day it is a job. But, conversely, at the end of the day, they are also artists at the same time.

They're lucky, and they know it.


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