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I love the Kitty Norville series. It's one of the very, very few good paranormal "romances" in the genre. I'd hesitate to even call it a romance novel. There's none of the crazy sex and sappy romance that you'd find in other PR novels (coughRileyJensencough). All of the sex and romance is pretty realistic in the context of the world, and isn't written to be over dramatic or sappy. It's actually a pretty fascinating look at relationships between people with supernatural conditions. And it doesn't overtake the plot, yay!

I've always like how the werewolves and vampires work. Though when it comes to other supernatural elements, it seems like she kind of just throws them in her world and doesn't really think about how they fit in there. Unless she's doing an American Gods thing, there's really no system connecting the supernatural elements together (if she explains this in the coming novel(s), disregard this comment).


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