Winners and nominations are listed in the book. I'm aware of the weighting problem you'd get by including all of Gold's winning entries, but the book includes three stories that didn't win from other years, so the implication is that none of the non-adult nominees from 2008 and 2010 were worth choosing (or that there weren't any non-adult nominees from those years, of course). It's not a complaint -- my favorite story in the collection was one of the nominees, after all! -- but it did seem like something worth noting.
Winners and nominations are listed in the book. I'm aware of the weighting problem you'd get by including all of Gold's winning entries, but the book includes three stories that didn't win from other years, so the implication is that none of the non-adult nominees from 2008 and 2010 were worth choosing (or that there weren't any non-adult nominees from those years, of course). It's not a complaint -- my favorite story in the collection was one of the nominees, after all! -- but it did seem like something worth noting.
— Chipotle