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Hi Fred,

I give you really appreciative comments sometimes, especially for your history related posts. As valuable a contributor as you are, not all contributions are valuable. Actually, because of source, I think this one is spam. I think that's the most accurate term.

When I posted I didn't have time to pad my comment with niceties, so I just gave direct feedback. It wasn't intended to be mean, the intention was to inspire better content. It could be better if it told us about "original creators, working artists, insight on culture, or critique of business."

Is there any content like that to be found about this program? If there isn't, I think that's a good sign to pass on it and spend time on one of your better posts.

I also put in a little mention that I work in the animation business, and this is a professional opinion you can hear elsewhere, and why. I think Cartoon Brew (a good source that you use) would back it up. They would not post this content.

Love, Patch


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