For example it's like saying that the views of gay rights activists in the US shouldn't be given much time because they are the minority view.
Well, yes, that's exactly my point. You have freedom of speech, but that does not grant you carte blanche to keep speaking after everyone's tired of listening to you. If you persist, it affects your karma, and so how much attention your speech gets in the future.
The alternative is to allow a vocal minority to give fringe views undue emphasis, or to to moderate them myself. As Flayrah is meant to represent everyone's views, I prefer to make a system that allows everyone to contribute to such moderation. It's not perfect, but as Churchill said:
No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried from time to time.
I think we do a good job of balancing time for minority opinions, judging by the fact that both those providing them and those who decry them complain about the extent of our coverage of them. :-)
Well, yes, that's exactly my point. You have freedom of speech, but that does not grant you carte blanche to keep speaking after everyone's tired of listening to you. If you persist, it affects your karma, and so how much attention your speech gets in the future.
The alternative is to allow a vocal minority to give fringe views undue emphasis, or to to moderate them myself. As Flayrah is meant to represent everyone's views, I prefer to make a system that allows everyone to contribute to such moderation. It's not perfect, but as Churchill said:
I think we do a good job of balancing time for minority opinions, judging by the fact that both those providing them and those who decry them complain about the extent of our coverage of them. :-)