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Whoah, I'm still kind of recovering from a epic drama queen moment arguing over whether I got one stars for my opinion or if I just wrote a shitty review (probably was a shitty review, but as I pointed, so was the Ted review, and no one gave a shit). You, uh, kinda just reversed your earlier assesment. Just pointing that out.

Honestly, I am not dealing well with the negativity of the star system. Negative votes don't usually come with justification, so they can hardly be called valid criticism. I feel that bitching and moaning about stories is for comments; positive feedback is needed on the rating system. For Christ's sake, Portal of freaking Evil's "bulb" system only had positive options.

The fact that a forum dedicated to not being nice had a system in place nicer than all the "upvote, downvote" "five star, one star" brutal cockfight of a system used by the rest of the Internet is kind of sad.

The funny thing is that that system WORKED. I really tried to post better things, hoping for bulbs. When I get a one star here, I don't try harder; I just bitch and moan a lot about censorship or some shit and don't change a damn thing about my posts.


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