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Reader ratings do not bear out that assessment. Of those readers who have explained that their votes, some noted a lack of relevance to their interests; these stories were worth less to them than others.

Fred's record shows a higher number of two- and three-star votes than most other contributors. Because of this, your own average rating on stories is .12 higher than his, even though you have a higher proportion of one-star votes (presumably due to your opinion-based content, which is open to dissent). In fact, his rating is the lowest of any registered user who has posted a comment to this story.

Does this mean that Fred is a bad contributor? Of course not. However, what is arguably his best content - reviews and retrospectives - get relatively few votes compared to, say, news about furry fans, which tends to be posted by others.

As we have seen, not everyone agrees that press release-centric coverage of minor anthropomorphic animated works is newsworthy, at least to the level of individual posts about each of them. Compiling these into a weekly or monthly summary of upcoming anthropomorphic animation, like Treesong's old comic previews, might be more palatable to readers.


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