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I guess that is true yeah. ;)

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But also, I don't feel comfortable to believe that a certain feeling, mind, and especially Equal is "only something humans can have".

When it comes back to the Dog for example, I say it's not always Anthropomorphic to even treat the Dog as a friend because the Friend thing is something any creature maybe can have (And everything else).. So if I look at the dog Equal as a Human, it's just that.. A dog who has an Equal way of living as a Human. Thinking like that to me makes more sense.. Maybe Anthropomorphism should just mean to let the Dog or other have something they didn't have through mind, say for example, Imagine Human ears. But if a creature already had that (Close similar or not) (Created by human machine or not), it's no longer Anthropomorphic. If it is, than everything once again is Anthropomorphic because we are all connected (Parts, Mind parts, Souls, etc) to every creature on Earth and even other Planets. :P

I say, if you want to view it as Anthropomorphic personality it's fine but not everyone will. It's all true in some way to each I guess.

I guess in art, if I draw, I may be on the side of "scientific explanation of the possibilities of similarities and that they share the same on some" when I draw a "Race that looked close to Humans" but view it as a different culture similar. I guess I may sometimes use Anthropomorphic thinking if I wanted. :P


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